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That’s right – with a question mark. We used to believe in this propaganda too. But what the governments and media tell us may not be true at all.

Climate is ever-changing in the history of the earth. It cooled and it warmed. Scientists (and Hollywood movie stars) tell us that human activities have led to “global warming” based on their understanding, studies and predictions.

Now, are they referring to the real data? Who fund the studies? Are their prediction models reliable? Weather prediction models used today can’t even predict next week’s weather accurately. How are they supposed to predict climate patterns in a year’s – or in decades’ – time accurately? Who are behind the media companies who help promote this “climate change” propaganda?



They always say that the number of extreme weather events increased. But data shows quite the contrary: https://wattsupwiththat.com/extreme-weather-page/

They say “carbon dioxide (CO2)” is bad. But it is an essential element for plants (vegetables – your and your livestock’s food) to grow! And in fact, the level of CO2 these days is actually much much lower than hundreds of millions of years ago. We need more CO2 for a greener planet!

They say polar bears are suffering from “global warming.” But the actual data shows that the polar bear population has been rising: https://polarbearscience.com/2019/03/26/latest-global-polar-bear-abundance-best-guess-estimate-is-39000-26000-58000/



That said, does that mean we can live the way we have been living in the modern age?


Pollutants that go into the ecosystem will eventually go back into our own bodies through food and contact. So, we need to continue our efforts in reducing waste of any kind and avoiding the use of harmful substances and toxic chemicals by all means.

Here are sites where you can find more info on this topic:



Instead of believing what other people tell you, find time to do the research yourselves.